Much work, little time

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I just noticed that not much time rests between now and the start of Demozone. To be exact, there are only 2 weeks left. There are quite a lot of things I still want to have finished before the party, things like the whole shader system, support for lighting and shadowing, support for smooth TCB splines in Maya, and a commandline viewer application. That's a bit much work for just 2 weeks I think... Well who cares :)

Ohw wait, I almost forgot that I wanted to say that I'm currently working on support for multiple maps in Gentex. Maps such as a diffuse map, a specular map, a normal map. Those things. You can create those, all in one network. That's the plan.

Ah, and my friend Izard is already working on a soundtrack for the demo. He's using V2 from farbrausch again. We're going to stick to it for one more time ;) (Although Izard is not too happy about it, V2 seems to have some sucky thingies in it :))

Ohw and in the meantime I've been to the symposium in Santiago in Spain (which was kind of nice) and I bought a new laptop (to be able to code outside during the very hot summer days, and also to not having to carry an oversized pc to parties :)).

2 Comments for “Much work, little time”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    isn't that intel GMA950 sucky (like on the macbooks)? or does it has some performance?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yeah, I think it sucks. I've configured my laptop with an Ati X1400 gfx card. In terms of 3d performance that's a lot better than a GMA950.

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