This weekend I've been working a bit more on Gentex. It's finally capable of generating a texture :) (It's shown here on the right). It's not much, but it's okay for a start.
Most of the things I've added this weekend are GUI things to make life a bit easier. I've added a small help window with info on the controls, since they aren't quite standard (unless you're used to Maya's controls). Next to that you can now probe any node in your network. With probing I mean showing the internal result buffer of the node. This is useful for tweaking your texture. Well also added some other things, like a "reorient view" option and a context menu per node, but those are just GUI refinements.
I've also started a Todo list (which you can find
here, and also on the menu bar on the right). This way I can write down my ideas somewhere and also keep track of my progress.
Last of all I wanted to add my current version of Gentex, as a standalone program, as a download:
GentexEditor-21052006-2107.exe (you'll need Windows 2000/XP to be able to run it)
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