Antiphore best 64k of 2007?

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Yesterday Izard and I both received the following email from
We are happy to inform you that your production, Antiphore, has been nominated for an award for 'best 64k intro'.

We invite you to take part in the prize giving ceremony that will take place at the Breakpoint demoparty, on the 22nd of March 2008 in Bingen am Rhein - Germany. All the nominees will receive a diploma, and the winners in each category will get a prize statue.
So, against the odds, we're nominated for creating the best 64k intro for 2007. The other 4 contestants in our category are already made public, and by looking at those I don't think we'll actually win the statue (which looks really cool btw). But then again, the fact that we're nominated is already more than we could have hoped for. This is especially true, when looking at last years' nominees in the 64k category.

Anyway, we're definitely going to the ceremony (which is already in 3 weeks), and probably spend some time at Breakpoint. Which is one of the biggest demo parties in Europe.
Btw, more info on these "Scene awards" can be found here.

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