Next stop: Evoke 2007

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Izard and I are kind of planning on going to Evoke this year. That's a demoparty in Köln
(Germany), which isn't actually that far from home at all. (Only a few hours by car or train). Since this is our first foreign party visit, we want to release something nice there to impress people... so we're going to work on a new 64k demo again. We've read the comments on our last entry at Especially these:
"For colours, next time pic a picture of your favourite graphics artist (or desktop background). Something that you can look at and think.. Yeah I can sense that it looks good... Then sample the colours in that image to copy the "it looks good" into your intro. Its usually not that simple, but that should get you started :)"

"i enjoyed the tunnel part"
Anyway. I haven't actually worked on Nerve at all after the release of Dahlia, and for Evoke I'll probably only have time during 2 weekends and 5 evenings :-) Anyway, we're going to create something again. Hopefully nicer than Dahlia.

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