Published Saturday, April 29, 2006 by Glow.
I forgot to mention I've already done some work on the system. I have a basic exporter plugin, a simple primitive geometry generator, a custom shader/material and a material editor plugin working now. Next step is to have the material editor (Gentex) working.
Ohw, and hopefully I can have a very basic, but workable, version of Nerve finished before
Assembly 2006, which starts on August 3, so I can create a 64k demo with
Welcome to my dev blog on the Nerve demo system. Nerve is my attempt to create my own system for creating small (64k and even 4k) demos. Btw, for more info on "demos", go to
scene.org.Nerve will be a bit different than the two major publicly available demo systems:
Werkzeug (from Farbrausch) and
ADDiCT2 (from Conspiracy). These two systems try to be a total stand alone solution for creating demos, Nerve will (ab)use Maya for all modeling and Buzz for audio composing. In short Nerve will consist of:
- Maya exporter plugin
- Several maya plugins and scripts for creating/modifying geometry
- A maya plugin for creating materials (this will be a remake of Gentex, my procedural texture generator).
- A viewport renderer integrated in Maya, using the same renderer as the actual demo
- A standalone viewer
- Several sound generators (plugins) for Buzz.
That's the idea for now.