Packing bags for Breakpoint 2010

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Okay, time's up. Tomorrow starts Breakpoint 2010. Izard and I have been working on our entry the last two weeks, but as usual we haven't actually finished our entry yet. At the moment we only have our soundtrack more or less done, and (nearly) all of our tech. And Izard has already done some modeling. And best of all, we have a plan/design. So that means that once again, we'll have to build the actual 64k intro live at the party place. The good thing though is that a) we booked a hotel, so we can properly crash/sleep somewhere and b) the deadline is at sunday morning, giving us two full days to finish it. Should be enough...

Anyway, I'm going to pack my bags now. Wish me luck! And btw, you can follow everything live at

1 Comments for “Packing bags for Breakpoint 2010”

  1. Blogger Unknown 

    Why would I wish you luck if you have skill?
    Anyway: good luck finishing on time.

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