Published Monday, May 03, 2010 by Glow.
Published Sunday, May 02, 2010 by Glow.
I'm just back from the Outline 2010 demoparty in Eersel (near Eindhoven), and it was really fun again. We'd been working hard on our entry for the 64k demo competition; the same demo that we weren't able to finish on time for Breakpoint, a month ago. But this time we did pull it off. The result is a 64k demo called
Exo, and we actually won the intro competition again with it (just like last year). Woohoo.
It is the first demo that we made with our new version of nerve (with lots of cool new stuff in it). And once again we used pandora, our software synthesizer, to play the soundtrack. All direction, music and some of the graphics were done by Izard, and I did all coding and the rest of the graphics.
And, yeah, if we´d only had more time we could´ve improved it much more. It´s still very unpolished in certain places.
For now I can only post some small screenshots, and a download link. But as soon as my internet connection is back online again, I´ll post a captured video.
Download Exo at Pouet.net (you´ll need a reasonably good graphics card and a recent version of DirectX to run it).