Working on a leader intro


The past few evenings I've been working on a leader sequence that we can use for our next 64k intro. It's still very rough, and there's no sound yet, but I think it already looks kinda nice. It's a relatively simple scene (2 shaders, 1 cube mesh, 1 camera and 1 light) and I'm estimating it to add max 1kb to our final filesize:

... and back again


I'm back again from Breakpoint. Actually yesterday already, but I didn't have much time to post something. But, anyway, Breakpoint was really fun again; although we didn't manage to finish our 64k demo. Izard and I worked on it for quite some time at the party, but there was simply too much work to do. And because we 'forgot' to get a hotel room for the first night, we also didn't get much sleep that first night either. So that didn't help much either...

Luckily the Outline demoparty is already starting in about 3 weeks, so we'll continue our work on our demo and release it at that party.

Ohw, and I really enjoyed the various competitions at Breakpoint. Especially these entries rocked:
  • Agenda circling forth, by Fairlight and CNCD (full size demo, winner of PC demo competition)
  • Rove, by Farbrausch (full size demo, 2nd place at PC demo competition)
  • Imagine, by TGGC, CodingCat and BluFlame (64k demo, winner of 64k competition)

Packing bags for Breakpoint 2010


Okay, time's up. Tomorrow starts Breakpoint 2010. Izard and I have been working on our entry the last two weeks, but as usual we haven't actually finished our entry yet. At the moment we only have our soundtrack more or less done, and (nearly) all of our tech. And Izard has already done some modeling. And best of all, we have a plan/design. So that means that once again, we'll have to build the actual 64k intro live at the party place. The good thing though is that a) we booked a hotel, so we can properly crash/sleep somewhere and b) the deadline is at sunday morning, giving us two full days to finish it. Should be enough...

Anyway, I'm going to pack my bags now. Wish me luck! And btw, you can follow everything live at

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